What and how the pictorial mark logo is used?

A pictorial mark logo (also known as a brand mark or logo symbol) is an icon or graphic-based logo. It’s an image when a certain brand’s “logo” comes to mind, Such as: the Iconic Apple logo, Twitter Bird (5 Olympic circles), Pepsi ball icon etc. The brand logos of each of them are so familiar and established that we can recognize them only by looking at the sign. You Can Also Read: What is a wordmark logo and how is it used?
Incidentally, you may be thinking of designing your brand’s logo in pictorial mark style. But in this case, some things must be considered.
The biggest thing when deciding on the design of the Victoria Mark logo is to select an image. This is something that will blend in with the whole existence of the company. What message do you want to give to the audience? Does the symbol you are wearing fit your brand? For example, are they massaging the paper bird that we all know, “bkash“? If you think a little deeply, you will get the answer.
You can also use pictures of any common thing, but you can’t download them directly from the internet (no big brand does that). You can also use any image that matches the company name. Such as the FoodPanda “Panda” icon. A pictorial mark logo can also be made by modifying a letter, such as: McDonald’s “M” symbol.
Note: Regardless of the type of logo, without the right meaning, audience acceptance and proper branding, no matter how beautiful the design is, people will not remember it for long.