Top 5 Amazing Photoshop Tips And Tricks
Hi everyone, In this tutorial, I’m going to show you the Top 5 Amazing Photoshop Tips And Tricks. These 5 amazing Photoshop tips and tricks that you aren’t using. If you see tips and tricks that you find useful, and it will help you with your creative process. Okay, let’s get started.
No 01: Clone Stamp Tool
You probably are already with the Clone Stamp Tool. It allows you to clone or copy pixels from one area to another area. If you hold Alt on Windows, Option on the Mac, and click on your image you will set the sample source, the area that you will copy pixels from.
The preview will show you the size of the brush, and the content that you will paint. But did you know that you can change the size, rotation, and offset of the source by using a keyboard shortcut? If you hold alt + Shift, Option + Shift on the Mac, and tap on any of the arrow keys you will offset the sample source.
Notice that preview updating as I tap the arrow keys. To rotate the sample source you can hold alt + Shift, Option + Shift on the Mac, and tap on the less than or greater than keys. Those are the same keys as the period and comma keys. And if you hold alt + Shift, and tap on the bracket keys you will scale the sample source allowing you to clone something at a different size than what you sampled.
Keep in mind that these clone tool shortcuts only work with North American keyboards. If a shortcut doesn’t work for you then you can go into the window, clone source, and use this panel to offset, scale, rotate, and even reset the clone source.
No 02: Retouching Highlights And Shadows Image
When retouching sometimes you may want to target either the highlights or the shadows of an image. To quickly select the bright pixels on the photo you can press Ctrl+alt+2 on windows, that’s Command+Option+2 on the Mac.
If you want to target the shadows of the image you can then invert the selection by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I, Command + Shift + I on the Mac. If you create a color balance adjustment layer you will see that Photoshop automatically applies a layer mask in the shape of that selection then you can make an extreme adjustment, and you will see how the adjustment only affects the shadows.
To invert a layer mask and target the highlights again you can click on the layer mask icon, and in the properties panel you can click on the invert button, or you could also press Ctrl+I to invert the contents of the layer mask. Notice that the adjustment now only affects the highlights of the image.
No 03: Painting or Compositing in Photoshop Is The Lock Transparent
One useful shortcut for painting or compositing in Photoshop is the lock transparent pixel shortcut. If you press the forward-slash (/) key you will lock the transparent pixels, and you will only be able to paint on pixels that are not transparent. Notice that I’m only painting on the contents of this layer leaving the transparent pixels intact. To unlock the transparent pixels press the forward-slash (/) key again.
No 04: Liquefy Filter
The liquefy filter is probably one of Photoshop’s most powerful and used tools. You can find it under the filter, liquefy. Go to filter click on the liquefy. With the forward warp tool, you can distort pixels by pushing them as you paint. You probably already know that you can reduce the distortion that you create by using the reconstruct slider under the brush reconstruct Options. It works much like the fade Command.
As I drag to the left the distortion decreases. Moving the slider to 0 gives you back your original image and sliding it to 100 gives you the full effect that you applied. This is of course, a global adjustment. If you want to target the reconstruction to a specific area then use the forward warp tool while holding alt, Option on the Mac, and paint on the specific areas that you would like to reconstruct.
No 05: Puppet Warp Tool
Another powerful distortion tool in Photoshop is the Puppet Warp Tool found in the edit menu. It allows you to place pins on your image that you can then click and drag to distort it. If you don’t get the results that you’re expecting when you drag the pins then hold alt, Option on the Mac, while you hover over a pin then when you see a circle with a double-sided arrow click and drag to rotate the pin and adjust the way that the distortion is applied. And then you can keep rotating it until you get the results that you’re looking for.
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